Bulletins | LGS


Bulletin n. 7284

06/02/2025 - 09:17

The number of VLP seismic events (standard values 5-12) is medium, 6.1 events/hour.

The amplitude of seismic tremor is high.

The infrasonic activity is medium. The acoustic pressure of explosions is low, 0.4 bar (standard values <1 bar). The amplitude of puffing is medium, ~50 mbar.

Tiltmeters analysis does not show any significant deformation of the volcano edifice

Thermal activity of explosive events is not available. The number of thermal transients in the NE sector of the crater(standard = 100) is not available. The amplitude of thermal transients is not available. Exit velocity of pyroclasts, estimated through thermal camera analysis, is not available.

MODIS thermal anomalies are low: 1 MW (20:00 UTC yesterday).

Rockfall activity is low. The number of rockfalls is 2 per day.

SO2 flux in the NE sector of the crater terrace is low, 26 t/d

CO2 flux based on the C/S of 20.1 mesured at 03:20 UTC on 2025/02/04 is medium, 909 t/d

Indice di Attività Vulcanica: medium

  • Seismic (VLP) rate MEDIUM
  • Seismic tremor HIGH
  • Puffing MEDIUM
  • Acustic pression of explosions LOW
  • Thermal activity NOT AVAILABLE
  • SO2 flux LOW
  • CO2 flux MEDIUM
  • Rockfall activity LOW

In the last 24h, Stromboli volcano showed MEDIUM degassing activity (puffing/spattering with values of about 50 mbar), associated with a MEDIUM explosive activity (max. acoustic pressure 0.70 bar) mainly located at the NE crater sector. The volcanic tremor shows HIGH values. The number of VLP events is MEDIUM (6.1 events/hour). MODIS and VIIRS satellite images show LOW thermal anomalies (~1 MW). SO2 flux is LOW (26 t/d). The CO2 flux is MEDIUM (daily mean flux of 909 t/d based on a C/S ratio of 20.1 measured on 04/02/2025 at 03:20 UTC). The rockfall activity is LOW, with 2 events detected in the past 24 hours. The Volcanic Activity Index is MEDIUM.